Black Country
Skin Club
Learn from experts with years of experience treating dermatological concerns in general practice and the community. Or are you the expert? Come along, either way, to join us to learn and network over dinner.
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Last Wednesday
of the month
In the evening after work near you.
Find out moreOur mission
In 2013, we set out on our mission to make medicine more accessible to all as a career. Now we are reaching further to make healthcare more diverse and inclusive.

Addressing inequalities in care
A step-by-step guide to help you put evidence into practice

Accessible medical education
High yield live and on-demand programmers in high demand

Advocacy and empowerment
Starting out or well ahead of the curve, we are here to help you
As seen in

Our students' success speaks volumes.
"Thank you so much for taking the time to deliver these sessions. All of the individual speakers were very informative and it was great to get an introduction to the variety of career options available in GP."
The Portfolio Career
"It was also useful to hear about leadership aspects as I don't think this is particularly well taught in training. The fact that there are many ways of going about finding what might spark our interest and there are other roles we can take on that we may like."
Life after VTS
"The enthusiasm and perseverance shown by the speaks to pursue their interest was inspiring as well as the discussions around different routes into the special interests."
The Portfolio Career
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